de Lector Universitar Dr. Ionut Vladescu | sept. 4, 2020 | Diverse
Prof. Dr. Ionut Vladescu University Alma Mater-Sibiu Romania For the education of the new generation the teachers must put into value their whole professional skill and capacity, aiming at building up the proper framework needed to shorten the distance between them...
de Lector Universitar Dr. Ionut Vladescu | sept. 4, 2020 | Diverse
Abstract Nowadays globalization and crisis threatened society has put the knowledge at the heart of the efforts for achieving sustainable and smart growth. That is why, in supporting this strategy, a crucial role was assigned to education and, in particular, to...
de Lector Universitar Dr. Ionut Vladescu | mart. 11, 2020 | Diverse
1. Convertirea strămoşilor ca răspuns la chemarea iubirii divine (etapele sacramentale) Intrarea în împărăţia lui Dumnezeu a strămoşilor noştri vestită de predica sfinţilor Andrei şi Filip pe pământul străbun se face prin uşa Tainei Sfanţului Botez. Astfel, în...
de Lector Universitar Dr. Ionut Vladescu | mart. 11, 2020 | Diverse, Uncategorized
Pr. Dr. Ionuţ Vlădescu Abstract: The diversification of the school textbook offer, their designing in diverse forms, the appearance of the alternative textbook request the use of some more elaborated curricular supports, for providing a rigorous fastening of the...